A Live Auction Interactive Exhibit
as part of the
Kennedy Heights Arts Center
Summer Guild Show: We Create
June 2, 2012
as part of the
Kennedy Heights Arts Center
Summer Guild Show: We Create
June 2, 2012
On June 2, 2012, as part of my Live Auction Exhibit at the Kennedy Heights Arts Center Summer Guild Show: "We Create,"
I auctioned off all of my work with all the proceeds going to charity.
Crazy, right?!
Here is the Exhibit Statement from that show which explains how such an idea came about
and how the whole Philanthropic ARTitude adventure got started!
It’s spring cleaning time at my studio and I am dazed and amazed by the sheer numbers of paintings I’ve finished this year. What am I going to do with all this work?!
I make an off-handed remark to my friend, “If someone came in here right now and offered to take all of this work off my hands for 25% of their prices and then all the money would go to charity, I swear, I would so take them up on it! I mean, come on, what am I going to do with all this work?”
Well, last week while I was preparing an exhibit statement for this show (the show's theme was about reflecting on what it is that motivates us to create, and what we see our roles in society as artist to be), I got the Intuitive Answer I was looking for and an idea was born. The idea was to auction off ALL of my work at the show’s opening and give ALL of the proceeds to charity.
...Uh, but wait... there’s only 6 days left before the show!!! How will I get everything done that needs to be done for this?? I know I can’t do it on my own, there’s too much to do, so I send a prayer out into the Universe. (OMG, Am I really gonna do this?):
“OK, well it looks like we’ve got some work to do here. All I ask is that You please please please help me to let go of any preconceived notions I may have about the outcome of this and please help me to remain open for Inspiration and Ideas. Oh yeah, and maybe a little extra energy to do the insane amount of footwork that’s in front of me this week. *sigh* Amen.”
And anyway, this is what it means to be an artist, right? Taking an Inspired thought and giving it form. But man, I wish the timing were a little more loose than this! I’m not the one in charge of such matters though, so instead I just get down to work.
Also, there are so many great causes... how to narrow it down? I know that I need to simplify this if I’m going to get everything done. Perhaps I will choose one of the charities that I’ve already been involved with this year and use it as the beneficiary.
But choosing one is too difficult a task for the moment, so for now, I begin to write about my Deal With The Universe for the exhibit statement. As I write, I realize I already have most of this down in a different form. In February, I wrote a Short Story Thank You Note to someone who had Inspired me. It does a phenomenally good job of explaining, at least for me, what being an artist is all about. I decide to include the story in the exhibit.
As the idea comes full circle, I also decide that "A Heart For Charlie" is, of course, the perfect beneficiary for this event (go ahead, read the story and you’ll see why!).
So here it is..... Now go bid those paintings up! All proceeds from the auction will go directly to the Children’s Organ Transplant Association (COTA) and will be earmarked for "A Heart For Charlie."
Thank you so much for your continued efforts to help me support great causes!
I make an off-handed remark to my friend, “If someone came in here right now and offered to take all of this work off my hands for 25% of their prices and then all the money would go to charity, I swear, I would so take them up on it! I mean, come on, what am I going to do with all this work?”
Well, last week while I was preparing an exhibit statement for this show (the show's theme was about reflecting on what it is that motivates us to create, and what we see our roles in society as artist to be), I got the Intuitive Answer I was looking for and an idea was born. The idea was to auction off ALL of my work at the show’s opening and give ALL of the proceeds to charity.
...Uh, but wait... there’s only 6 days left before the show!!! How will I get everything done that needs to be done for this?? I know I can’t do it on my own, there’s too much to do, so I send a prayer out into the Universe. (OMG, Am I really gonna do this?):
“OK, well it looks like we’ve got some work to do here. All I ask is that You please please please help me to let go of any preconceived notions I may have about the outcome of this and please help me to remain open for Inspiration and Ideas. Oh yeah, and maybe a little extra energy to do the insane amount of footwork that’s in front of me this week. *sigh* Amen.”
And anyway, this is what it means to be an artist, right? Taking an Inspired thought and giving it form. But man, I wish the timing were a little more loose than this! I’m not the one in charge of such matters though, so instead I just get down to work.
Also, there are so many great causes... how to narrow it down? I know that I need to simplify this if I’m going to get everything done. Perhaps I will choose one of the charities that I’ve already been involved with this year and use it as the beneficiary.
But choosing one is too difficult a task for the moment, so for now, I begin to write about my Deal With The Universe for the exhibit statement. As I write, I realize I already have most of this down in a different form. In February, I wrote a Short Story Thank You Note to someone who had Inspired me. It does a phenomenally good job of explaining, at least for me, what being an artist is all about. I decide to include the story in the exhibit.
As the idea comes full circle, I also decide that "A Heart For Charlie" is, of course, the perfect beneficiary for this event (go ahead, read the story and you’ll see why!).
So here it is..... Now go bid those paintings up! All proceeds from the auction will go directly to the Children’s Organ Transplant Association (COTA) and will be earmarked for "A Heart For Charlie."
Thank you so much for your continued efforts to help me support great causes!