Haven't worked plein air or in acrylic for a long, long time. Doing both this week as I take some much needed R&R in Punta Cana with the family. Now off to play at the beach! ☀️ 🌴 🏊🏼♀️ Sunday Morning in Punta Cana 9" x 5" acrylic, plein air #pleinair #acrylicpainting #fineart #abstract #abstractpleinair #pleinairabstract #contemporaryart #nauticalpainting #seaside #seasidepainting #liquitex #abstractexpressionist #cincinnatipainter #puntacana
AuthorHello and welcome to my Art Website Blog. I'm love being out in nature and I love painting - these days I'm doing my best to combine the two. On crummy weather days I enjoy spinning vinyl for inspiration to paint. I'm not much of a blogger but I'm gonna give this another shot as a means to try to keep my website up to date. If you have any comments, questions or suggestions for me about the art, cool places to paint, good music to paint to & the like, please feel free to leave them here, or send them in an email. Better yet, introduce yourself at the next ArtWalk. I love to hear what people have to say about the crazy wonderful adventure of creativity! Thanks! Archives
April 2017